I usually remix or re-edit songs just for the fun of it, and to fit some tracks better on my dj sets. I have been asked to upload them somewhere quite a few times, so, here you go!

(If you find a broken link please leave a comment so I can upload it again)

--I'm just remixing and uploading for fun--
no copyright infrigment intended!


Live Dj Set @ Poco Poco 6 Sep 09

It was a great beach party and fortunately I had pressed the "record" button on my laptop, so here are 3 and a half hours of my set there. It is totally live and unedited and I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks to everybody who was there!

4 σχόλια:

  1. thanx kostantine eisai megalos!!8a htan super opote mporeis na postareis tetoia link k apo bijoux,sea throught..;)

  2. apo sea through paei mas teleiose, apo BijouX sigoura kati tha anevei soon! :-)

  3. xaxa KAI h8ela KAI na KAI se KAI rwthsw KAI an KAI eixes KAI ta KAI sets.... gamane KAI polu malista.... KAI otan se eixa prwtodei... ;)
